EEEAA President Report 2024

Dear EEEAA Members,

This is the first time I’m addressing all of you in this way. I am Duan Kai and this is the first time I’m presenting the president’s report, having taken over from Wai Soon in the previous term. I’m honoured to be in the position where I am doing this and as we close out the term, I’m honoured to be sharing an update on how the current term has gone.

This term marks a term of transition and collaboration. We’ve seen a substantial change in the leadership of the executive committee and we’ve collaborated with a couple of other alumni associations on collaborative events. All that’s to say, that this term marks a season of change, and the following term opens EEEAA to all sorts of new opportunities.

With regards to leadership, myself and the key appointment holders have been in the committee for some time, but this term is the first term of the younger committee members taking up the key appointment positions. We have taken this time to both carry on the traditions of the previous committee, but also to use this as an opportunity to explore new possibiltiies.

We started the term with a traditional chillout, bringing an opportunity for Alumni to mingle and connect with one another, from fresh grads to senior EEE alumni. It is my hope that we start to do chillouts more frequently, so that we may have the platform to let alumni build and strengthen meaningful relationships.

This year, we’ve also collaborated with various other associations. For our annual esports tournament, we collaborated with SPMSAA, MAEAA, NTU Alumni Club as well as the NTU Esports Society. It’s the first time that we’ve tried collaborating in an event with this many different parties, which brought unique challenges, but together we managed to organise a tournament that brought in 160 participants. That is no small number and I would like to thank Tan Jiunn Long for his hard work in representing EEEAA and working with SPMSAA President Tan Cheng Wee.

We’ve also collaborated with the NTU Alumni Club again for the Durian Tour to Johor Bahru. This time round we saw a group of 60 EEE Alumni going with 20 Alumni from the Alumni Club to the durian day tour.

All these collaborations help us to open the participation pool to a wider audience and hopefully will encourage meaningful connections outside of our usual circles. We’ve also gained a lot of valuable experience in learning what it means to juggle so many stakeholders effectively. We hope this open the doors to new events and experiences that we’ve previously never had.

I’m optimistic for the future of EEEAA and I hope we can continue to count on your support.

Thank you.

Neo Duan Kai


NTU EEE Alumni Association

28th Executive Committee

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